Saturday, September 12, 2009

What we have been doing.../Co sie z nami dzialo...


It's been a while since I posted anything. We have been busy. We decided to start school on August 1 and do three weeks of school and one week of unschooling. It has been working very well for us. We went to vist Scott's parents. It was a really nice visit. And the biggest news is that on the feast of Our Lady of Jasna Gora Queen of Poland we found out that we are expecting the birth of our 4th child, which will be somewhere around May 1, 2010 - the first day of Mary's month. I have always felt as though different saints watched over our children in a special way. This baby is getting a special intercession of Our Lady of Jasna Gora.

Troche czasu minelo od mojego ostatniego wpisu. Bylismy bardzo zajeci. Pierwszego sierpnia zaczelismy szkole. Postanowilismy szkolic sie przez trzy tygodnie i potem tydzien przerwy i znowu trzy tygodnie i jeden tydzien i tak na przemian. Bardzo dobrze nam to wychodzi. Nasza najwieksza dobra nowina to fakt, ze w Swieto Matki Boskiej Jasnogorskiej na podstawie test dowiedzielismy sie, ze oczekujemy naszego czwartego dziecka. Data porodu odbedzie sie okolo 1 maja, czyli pierwszego dnia miesiaca Maryji. Ja zawsze uwazalam, ze nasze dzieci sa pod szczegolna opieka ich Swietych patronow. To dziecko wydaje sie byc pod szczegolna opieka Naszej Pani z Jasnej Gory.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We even had our faces painted ...




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Butterflies - Part 3

They have become beautiful painted Lady butterflies and we released them. Then Elizabeth, Julia and Karol made their own butterflies and put them on top of our roses.



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More Butterflies

This happened over several days, including the transformation of caterpillars when we were away at the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.



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Our butterfly study/Motyle

Elizabeth got this Butterfly Treehouse for her Birthday last year. When we came back from Poland we sent the coupon and and we got live insects.



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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When I am an adult/Gdy dorosne


We have been obsering our caterpillars go through an amazing transformation and we have 5 butterflies in our Butterfly Treehouse (I will post about that later). Today we had one of those conversations about growing up. Elizabeth said: "When I am an adult I want to be a mom like you." Karol said: "Mommy, when I am an adult. I want to be a butterfly. And I will fly inside and outside." Julia said: " I want to be a mom and a homeschooling teacher." Elizabeth added: "I want to be a homeschooling teacher, too."

Nasze larwy przemienily sie w motyle. Napisze o tym pozniej. Dzisiaj mielismy rozmowy na temat dojrzewania i doroslosci. Elizabeth powiedziala: "Jak ja dorosne to chce zostac mama tak jak ty." Karol Powiedzial: "A ja chce zostac motylem, gdy ja dorosne". Julia Powiedziala: "Ja chce zostac mama, ktora uczy swoje dzieci w domu w ramach edukacji domowej".
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Monday, June 15, 2009



It's been a month since we have come back from Poland. I am comparing this trip to a fountain. There was a flood of emotions and experiences with family, old and new friends. Coming back home brought a fountain of emotions, too. We truly had a wonderful trip.

Juz miesiac minal od naszego powrotu z Polski. Ta wizyta byla dla nas jak fontanna emocji i doswiadczen z rodzina oraz starymii nowymi przyjaciolmi. Powrot do domu okazal sie tez fontanna emocji.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring trip/Wiosenna Wyprawa

I saw this quiz at Dawn's from By Sun and Candlelight and thought it would be fun to take it before the big trip.
Today I'm off to Poland. I will be gone for 6 weeks. I thought it was a nice reminder to myself especially as I'm worried about traveling with three little children and logging all the suitcases. Some friends of ours are going too so I know I will have some help. I will let you know how everything went when I get back in May.

You Are Blooming Flowers

You are an optimistic person by nature. In even the darkest times, you are hopeful about the future.

You feel truly blessed in life and can sometimes be overwhelmed with emotions.

You have an artist's eye. You are always looking for beauty in the mundane.

You have a good sense of aesthetics, especially when it comes to shapes and color.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Only one more week and I and our three children will be on the continent of Europe. My husband will come for the last three weeks. I haven't been back to Poland in three years. I'm so happy to be able to see my family and friends.

Enjoy the continent video.

Juz za tydzien ja i moje dzieci bedziemy na europejskim kontynencie w Polsce. Moj maz przyleci na ostatnie dwa tygodnie. Ostatni raz bylam w Polsce trzy lata temu. Jestem bardzo szczesliwa, ze odwiedzimy rodzine i przyjaciol.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Are Grapefruit Juice

You are a trustworthy, serious, and mature person.

And while you are conscientious, you're also very cheerful.

You don't mind responsibilities, and you enjoy doing what has to be done.

You may not have discovered the meaning of life, but you've figured out how to be happy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Julia!/Wszystkiego Najlepszego z okaji 5-tych urodzin!


Sisters! We took that picture a couple of months ago. Pictures from Julia's 5th Birthday later.

We have had a really good day so far. Julia opened her presents. We had cake and candles. We read the book she got for her Birthday and we all really liked it. Since Daddy has to work tonight we've had a good day with Daddy, too. We did the Montessori Birthday Celebration and we let all three of our children take turns and walk around the sun. It was a wonderful celebration



Co za wspanialy dzien. Julia otworzyla swoje prezenty. Mielismy ciast i swieczki. Przeczytalismy ksiazke, ktorA Julia dostala na urodziny i bardzo nam sie podobala. Tatus idzie pozniej do pracy, bo ma wieczorny program dotyczacy budzetu, wiec jestesmy wszyscy razem w domu. Co za radosc! Nasza Montessorianska Uroidzinowa Celebracja bardzo sie udala. Pozwolilismy wszystkim dzieciom chodzic wokol slonca. Wspaniale!

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Because I love you."/"Poniewaz Cie kocham."


Last night we were already in our pajamas. Karol and I went upstairs to go to bed and I suddenly remembered I needed to go downstairs for something. So without saying anything to him I went down the stairs. As I was in the basement I heard little feet coming down. As Karol, who is 2 years old, approached me I asked him with a smile: "Do you have to look for Mommy all the time?" And he answered: "Yes" Then I said: "Why do you have to look for Mommy all the time?" He answered without any hesitation: "Because I love you." What a beautiful valentine.


Wczoraj wieczorem bylismy juz w pizamach. Karol i ja poszlismy na gore, aby polozyc sie spac. Nagle ja przypomnialam sobie, ze musze zejsc na dol. Zrobilam to bez slowa. Kiedy bylam na samym dole uslyszlam male kroczki na schodach. Kiedy zobaczylam Karola, ktory ma dwa lata, zapytalam go: "Czy ty musisz zawsze mamy szukac"? On odpowiedzial: "Tak". A ja na to: "Dlaczego ty zawsze musisz szukac Mamy"? A Karol dodal rezolotnie: "Bo ja cie kocham". Co za wspaniala walentynka
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day


We grew these sunflowers in front of our house last year. We are looking forward to the summer time again.


W zeszlym roku udalo nam sie wychodowac te sloneczniki. Czekamy na nastepne lato.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little Flowers - Little Girls/Male Kwiatki - Male Dziewczynki

Today we had our monthly meeting for the Little Flowers Girls' Club, which we have been doing for the last three years. You can find more about the Club at It's always a joy to be a part of it. Elizabeth and Julia really like it. I was leading today. We talked about the virtue of responsibility and Saint Anne the mother of Mary. We made a list of our responsibilities and how they are connected with love. We carry out out responsibilities out of love for God, others and ourselves. We had a delicious homemade bread, cracers, grapes, cheese and juice brought by one of our mothers. It was wonderful as usual.


Dzisiaj bylismy na comiesiecznym spotkaniu naszego Klubu Dziewczynek zwanych Malymi Kwiatkami. Mozesz dowiedziec sie wiecej o tym klubie na stronie internetowej Spotkania te zawsze sprawiaja nam wiele radosci. Dzis byla moja kolejka, aby prowadzic to spotkanie. Tematem byla cnota odpowiedzialnosci i Sw. Anna, matka Maryji. Dziewczynki wypisaly liste swoich obowiazkow i jak one sa powiazane z miloscia. Nasza odpowiedialnosc wyplywa z milosci do Boga, innych i siebie samych. Mielismy wspanialy chleb domowej roboty, krakersy, winogrono, ser i sok przyniesione przez jedna z mam. Wszystko bylo wspaniale jak zwykle.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Small treasures/ Male Skarby


1. I went out to Michaels and got some unfinished wooden boxes so that we can put little wooden dolls and accessories, some of which we have aquired over Christmas, away properly.

2. I went to a local violin store and picked up two 1/4 size violins (Elizabeth is growing). I'm going to take them tomorrow to the lesson so that our teacher can help us make a decision which one to buy.

3. I have made a little bit more progress on our trip to Poland, which we are taking in March of this year.


1. Pojechalam do sklepu Michaels i kupilam kilka drewnianych pudelek na nasze miniaturkowe drewniane laleczki.

2. Pojechalam do sklepu z instrumentami strunowymi i przywiozlam do domu dwie pary skrzypiec rozmiaru 1/4 (Elizabeth rosnie ...). Jutro nasza nauczycielka pomoze nam podjac decyzje ktore z nich kupic.

3. Spedzilam troszke czasu na planowanie naszej podrozy do Polski, ktora odbedziemy w marcu tego roku.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blue Lake Family Suzuki Violin Summer Camp


The girl in the red pants - that's Elizabeth.

Last summer we decided to go to a family Suzuki violin summer camp. It was our first time and boy did we have a good time. Both girls participated in private, group and technique lessons. And Karol who was only one and a half witnessed it all. It was intense and yet fun. Both girls really liked their teachers and so did we. They also participated in concerts for students. We came back from it refreshed and full of new energy. We are hoping to do it again this year. If your child is studying an instrument Suzuki method I highly recommend such an adventure.

W zeszlym roku latem postanowilismy po raz pierwszy pojechac na skrzypcowy oboz rodzinny w duch Suzuki. Bardzo nam sie tam podobalo. Dziewczynki uczestniczyly w w lekcjach prywatnych, grupowych i technicznych. Karol byl tego wszystkiego swiadkiem. Byl to cza bardzo intensywny ale, tez pelen zabawy. Wrocilismy z nowa nadzieja i energia. Mamy nadzieje, ze uda nam sie pojechac takze i w tym roku. Jezeli Twoje dziecko gra na instrumencie metoda Suzuki to bardzo polecam taka przygode.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Suzuki Violin - a Family Affair/Skrzypce w duchu Suzuki - Rodzinna Przygoda


Today I'm posting a picture of my husband playing the violin while holding our tiny son, who is two years old now, because I want to talk about parental involvement in learing to play the violin. When we started I was pregnant with Karol and took a few lessons just enough to play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It was my husband though who was the one learning more songs and playing them at home. A very good motivator for the girls. As our older daughter started playing more songs things became more competative. Ha ha ha! My husband who is not involved in our violin home lessons, as we call them, would ask me: "What is Elizabeth playing now? Can she play Minuet 1 by Bach?" That's the piece he was working on at the time and he wanted to make sure Elizabeth was not a not ahead of him. Some day she will be. But shhh don't tell him that. Actually he know it. Anyway having Daddy play at home and participate in the lessons as much as he could have been a wonderful thing for the girls.

As for me I haven't memorized as many songs but I have been there to the lessons - private and group. I have been collaborating with the teachers. I have been giving home lessons - making sure we were working on the things the teacher had asked us to do. I have been doing a lot of Suzuki reading and it has been good for my soul. I have been trying to expose us to beautiful music at home. I took the girl to Hill Auditorium to hear world famous violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter in concert. It was a fun outing. I have tried to make the violin home lessons fun. We generally do better when we start our lesson at home with a prayer. I'm trying to say at least 5 positive things before I point out something that needs improvement.

Last year we decided to spent some of our vacation time at Blue Lake Family Suzuki Violin Camp. Oh what fun! We are hoping to do it again this year. I will write about it next time. Stay tuned ...


Dzisiaj zdjecie mojego meza trzymajacego naszego malutkiego synka i grajacego na skrzypcach. Chce bowiem napisac o nauce gry na srzypcach w duchu Suzuki jako rodzinnej przygodzie. Gdy zaczelismy sie uczuc Karol byl w moim lonie. Ja nauczylam sie tyle, abym mogla pomoc naszym corkom. Moj maz byl tym, ktory uczyl sie wielu piosenek i gral je w domu. Stalo to sie wspaniala motywacja dla dziewczynek. Fdy nasza starsza corka zaczela grac wiecej piosenek, zawrzala troche kompetycja. Moj maz pytal czy nasza corka juz go przgonila. Jak dotad jeszcze nie, ale on wie, ze kiedys to nastapi. Gra Tatusia w domu i uczestnictwo w lekcjach prywatyne na ile to tylko bylo mozliwe to wspaniale skarby dla dziewczynek.

Jezeli chodzi o mnie to ja nie umiem grac tyle piosenek z pamieci. Ja zabieram dzieci na lekcje prywatne i grupowe. Daje im lekcje domowe, tzn. ide sladami naszej nauczycielki. Staram sie duzo czytac o tej pasjonujacej metodzie. Okazuje sie to dobre dla mojej duszy. Staranm sie, aby nasz dom wypelniony byl piekna muzyka. Zabralam dziewczynki na koncert skrzypcowy swiatowej slawy Anne-Sophie Mutter. Byl to wspanialy dla nas czas. Staram sie, aby nasze lekcje domowe byly pelne uroku, zabawy i nauki. Staram sie przykluc najpierw uwage do pieciu pozytywnych szczegolow dotyczacych grania, a dopiero pozniej zwrocic uwage na cos, co wymaga poprawy i pracy.

W zeszlym roku spedzilismy czesc naszych wakacji na Rodzinnym Obozie Suzuki. Bylo wspaniale. Ale o tym nastepnym razem. Do uslyszenia ...
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Where love is deep, much can be accomplished (Shin'ichi Suzuki)/Gleboka milosc pozwala na wielkie osiagniecia (Shin'ichi Suzuki)


This is me, holding my son in Baby-Bjorn and my three year old daughter

I'm planning to do a few posts regarding our adventure with the Suzuki violin. Two years ago I went to the Michigan Catholic Home Educators conference and I attended a session on the role of music in homeschooling. The speaker Andrew Padwa ecnourage us to start young children with Suzuki violin lessons. I took his advice to heart, especially since my grandmother from Poland gave us a half size violin, which belonged to my grandfather's grandfather. Anyway... I found a wonderful teacher right in our parish. My oldest daughter was almost five and my younger one was two and a helf years old, when we began the lessons. It wasn't always easy with attention, practice, etc. It has been very rewarding though. Our house is filled with music. We participate in private and group lessons every week (except in the summer time). We have gone to classical music concerts. Our girls have played at their own concerts.
I like the Suzuki adventure not only because it brings so much beauty to our lives but also because what I have learnt from Dr. Suzuki. Namely paying attention to the love and respect for the dignity of every child! We are learning to play the violin so that we might become more beautiful human beings and not necessarily to become virtuosos. I'm very grateful that God "put" Dr. Suzuki on my path. It is defenitely one of my most treasured relationships.

To zdjecie to ja, moj kilkumiesieczy syn w Baby-Bjorn i moja trzyletnia corka

Bede pisac kilka razy o naszej przygodzie z gra na skrzypcach metoda Suzuki. Gdy bylam na Michigan Konferencji Katolickich Edukatorow Domowych dwa lata temu bralam udzial w sesjii dotyczacej muzyki, w ktorej wykladowca zachecil nas do zaoferowania naszym dzieciom lekcji gry na skrzypcach w duchu Suzuki. Postanowilam to uczynic. Znalazlam wspaniala nauczycielke w naszej parafii. Moje corki mialy wtedy prawie piec i dwa i pol lat. Nasze przygoda nie byla zawsze latwa, ale byla zawsze wynagradzajaca. Nasz dom jest wypelniony muzyka. Uczestniczymy w prywatnych i grupowych lekcjach. Chodzimy na koncerty. Nasze corki graly na ich wlasnych koncertach.
Jestem zadowolona z naszej przygody z Suzuki skrzpcami nie tylko, poniewaz wnosi ona tyle piekna do naszego zycia, ale takze ze wzgledu na fakt czego "nauczyl" mnie dr. Suzuki. A w szczegolnosci zwracania uwagi na milosc i szacunek dla godnosci kazdego z naszych dzieci. A takze ze gramy na skrzypcach, aby stac sie piekniejszymi ludzmi, a nie koniecznie aby zostac wirtuozami. Jestem bardzo wdzieczna, ze Bog "postawil" na mojej drodze dr. Suzuki. Jest to dla mnie niewatpliwie relacja, ktora bardzo cenie.
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Many Treasures in 2009/Wiele skarbow w 2009

We had a wonderful beginning of the 2009 year around here. We stayed up until midnight on New Year's Eve. The girls were very excited about that. On New Year's Day we played and I worked on our plans for the new semester. In the evening we visited with friends and what a wonderful celebration it was. We wish you finding many treasures in the New Year 2009.

Mielismy wspaniale rozpoczecie Nowego Roku 2009. Dziewczynki bardzo sie cieszyly, ze mogly nie isc spac az po polnocy. Pierwszego dnia 2009 roku Elizabeth, Julia i Karol bawili sie, Scott gral na skrzypcach, a ja przygotowywalam nasz program szkolny na nowy semster. Wieczorem odwiedzilismy naszych przyjaciol i byl to wspanialy wieczor. Zyczymy wszystkim odnalezienia wielu skarbow w 2009 roku.