Monday, June 13, 2011

Spotkanie z Kardynalem

We had fun in Poland.

I thought you might enjoy seeing these photos of our visit with Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz who was the secretary of Pope John Paul II for all those years.  He now resides in Krakow.
ALSO, you can see Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz in Michigan:

And, in a video interview at:

The Basilica in Lichen - The Holy Mother of Sorrow, the Queen of Poland

See here ... The Holy Mother of Sorrow, the Queen of Poland...

-- The miraculous painting.
-- The first apparition took place in 1813.
-- The apparitions in 1850, and, The Chapel on the place of apparitions in Grablin forest, Poland.
-- The old part of the Sanctuary in Lichen.
-- The Basilica in Lichen ... The large Sanctuary started to be built in 1994, and, on July 2, 2006 the miraculous picture of the Holy Mother of Lichen was placed in a new Sanctuary.   Lichen – it is a small town in the West part of Poland, called Wielkopolska.

Also see:

Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego w łagiewnikach