Monday, December 29, 2008

A Life With Karol/Swiadectwo

Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II is one of the most influential, beloved and treasured people - saints in my life. I felt his presence when I studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland where he had taught it several years before. I had a privilege to study under one of Karol Wojtyla's great friends who had become the chairman of the Ethics Department after Karol Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II. I have seen him a number of times in Poland during his papal visits. We have named our son Karol Cyprian after Karol Wojtyla and his (mine too) beloved poet Cyprian Kamil Norwid. Even though John Paul II never held my hand I feel his prsence deeply now. I know that he is with me as my spiritual father now and he often holds my hand. Yesterday I watched a new DVD that my mom sent me for Christmas. It is called SWIADECTWO and it is mostly in Polish. There is some narration by a popular actor Michael York and it is in English. The film features Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. He talks about his almost 40 years spent with Karol Wojtyla. It expends on the book written by the Cardinal A Life With Karol. It is an amazing, inspiring and thought provoking film. Watching it was a very emotional experience for me. Every time I read or watch anything about Karol Wojtyla I feel inspired to live as a saint. I recommend you get a copy of the book and see for yourself.

Swiadectwo...Karol Wojtyla... dla nas Polakow jest to ktos o kim nigdy nie zapomnimy. Moja glebsza przygoda z Janem Pawlem II rozpoczela sie na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim, kiedy to moglam brac udzial w zajeciach z etyki prowadzonych przez Ks. Profesora Stycznia, ktory byl wielkim przyjacielem Karola Wojtyly Jana Pawla IIi to po nim objal Katedre Etyki. Wszyscy moi profesorowie wspominali wyklady Karola Wojtyly. Widzialam Jana Pawla II przy okazji jego wizyt papieskich w Polsce. I mimo iz migdy z nim nie rozmawialam osobiscie to wiem, ze on sie mna opiekuje z nieba jak dobry ojciec. Czesto mnie trzyma za reke i dopomaga mi. Modle sie czesto do niego za nasze dzieci, szczegolnie naszego Karola Cypriana, ktory nosi imiona Karola Wojtyly i jego (mojego tez) ulubionego polskiego poety Cypriana Kamila Norwida.
Wczoraj obejrzalam Swiadectwo na DVD - prezent Bozonarodzeniowy od mojej Mamy. Moje podziekowania plyna do calej ekipy, ktora zrealizowala ten film, szczegolnie do Kardynala Stanislawa Dziwisza. Ten piekny, emocjonalny i napelniony glebokimi refleksjami film jest dla mnie inspiracja, aby kazdego dnia zyc jak swieta. Niech nasz wspanialy Karol Wojtyla wyprasza dla nas potrzebne laski!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dreams/Marzenia - Sny

We are so close to Christmas now and I'm thinking about dreams - the dreams that Mary had ... the dreams of Joseph ... the dreams of the shepherds ... the dreams of the Three Wise Kings and the dreams of the Little Baby Jesus. I think that we are in God's dreams, the dreams of love and peace for all of us. I want to share this fun song about dreams too. Enjoy and open your heart to big and beautiful dreams in Jesus.

Swieta Bozego Narodzenia juz tak bliziutko i ja mysle o snach i marzeniach Maryji ... Jozefa... pasterzy... Trzech Madrych Kroli i Malenkiego Jezusa. Mysle, ze my jestesmy obecni w "marzeniach" Boga pelnych milosci i pokoju dla nas. Chcialam tez podzielic sie ta piekna piosenka. Zycze wszystkim otwarcia serc na wielkie i wspaniale marzenia w Jezusie.

Discoveries On Our Journey To Bethlehem - Chapter 2/Odkrycia na naszej drodze do Betlejem - Rozdzial 2

On St. Nicholas I and my three children presented a Nativity Story in Polish for the Polished Community gathered for the Holy Mass in Polish and Traditional Polish Wigilia. We had so much fun preparing and performing it and even my two year old participated. We based it on a wonderful Christmas carol Oj Maluski, Maluski. I wrote the poetry and directed it. I dedicated it to Mieczyslaw Albert Krapiec and all my philosophy professors from the Catholic University of Lublin. Father Krapiec was a great Polish philosopher, who died this year and who used to be one of my professor in my master's in philosophy program at the Catholic Univeristy of Lublin. Everyone really liked our play.

W Swieto Swietego Mikolaja moje dzieci i ja przedstawilismy Jaselka dla Polakow zgromadzonych na Mszy Swietej w jezyku polskim i corocznej tradycyjnej Wigilii. Nasze przedstawienie bylo zrealizowane na bazie koledy Oj Maluski, Maluski. Poezja i rezyseria byla moja. Przedstawienie to zadedykowalam s.p. O. Mieczyslawowi Albertowi Krapcowi i moim profesorom z Wydzialu Filozofii Teoretycznej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. O. Krapiec byl wielkim polskim filozofem i jednym z moich profesorow podczs moich studiow magisterskich na Wydziale Filozofii Teoretycznej. Zmarl on w tym roku i to Jemu chcialam zadedykowac to przedstawienie pamietam bowiem jak Ks. Profesor Tadeusz Styczen probowal Go namowic, aby zaspiewal te kolede na jednym z wydzialowych oplatkow.
Przedstawienie bardzo sie wszystkim podobalo.

Friday, December 19, 2008

St. Nicholas/ Swiety Mikolaj

At this time of the year many people ask: "How do you handle Santa?" For us it's an easy answer. My husband and I agreed that we would celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. My husband dresses up as St. Nicholas - the bishop and we tell our children that we give, parents them gifts because we want to remember the goodness and spirit of St. Nicholas and imitate him. We celebrate many feast days in our homeschool so our children are used to commemorating the lives of the saints. This year we experienced something really funny. On the feast of St. Nicholas we were at a party and there was a man who dressed as "Santa". Only for some reason his mustache ended up on his nose rather than under it. When we came back home our four year old daughter said: "I knew it wasn't the real Saint Nicholas because he had this thing on his nose." We all laughted and then our seven year old daughter said: "I knew it was not real Saint Nicholas because his body is buried in the ground and his soul is in heaven with God." I couldn't be prouder of both of them.

W czasie Adwentu wiele osob pyta: "Co wy mowicie Waszym dzieciom o Swietym Mikolaju?" Odpowiedz na to pytanie jest dla nas bardzo latwa. Moj maz i ja postanowilismy swietowac ten piekny dzien Sw. Mikolaja mowiac naszym dzieciom, ze tatus przebiera sie za Swietego Mikolaja Biskupa i przynosi im prezenty od mamy i taty. W naszej domowej edukacji wspominamy wiele Swietych, wiec nie jest to dla naszych dzieci nic obcego czy niezwyklego. W tym roku przydarzyla sie nam bardzo smieszna historia. W Swieto Swietego Mikolaja uczestniczylismy w polskiej Wigilii. Pan, ktory przebral sie za Mikolaja zakladajac brode polozyl wasy na swoim nosie zamiast pod nosem. Kiedy bylismy juz w domu nasz czteroletnia coreczka powiedziala: "Ja wiedzialam, ze to nie byl prawdziwy Swiety Mikolaj, bo on mial to cos nas nosie". Bardzo sie wszyscy z tego powiedzenia siemlismy. Nasza siedmioletnia corka dodala: "Ja wiem, ze to nie byl prawdziwy Swiety Mikolaj, bo jego cialo jest pogrzebane, a jego dusz jest w niebie z Bogiem". Bylam z nich bardzo dumna.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Discoveries On Our Journey To Bethlehem... Chapter 1/ Odkrycia w drodze do Betlejem ... Rozdzial 1

It's hard to belive that we only have a few more Advent days left during this Liturgical Year. We have been very busy and ... peaceful. In addition to our regular schoolwork we have been focusing on peace education, which turned out to be one of the greatest treasures this season.

I challenged myself to do all the Christmas presents shopping before the beginning of Advent so that I could spend more time at home rather than beating the crowds at different stores. And what a blessing it turned out to be. It freed my evenings to do a lot of beautiful peace education works. I introduced the PEACE CANDLE. We light it every time we do a work in our peace corner. My two year old son often asks: "Mama, peace candle" and she really enjoys singing This Little Light Of Mine when we light the candle. I also intoduce the PEACE TREE. It is a Norfolk Pine. We decorated it with flowers circles, which I made on the computer, printed them out and threaded some strings in them. They were blank on one side and each family member wrote some of his/her hope on the blank side. We hung them on the PEACE TREE. It turned out to be a wonderful work for us. We have been doing many works. One of my most favorite ones is our PEACE FLAGS. Each one of us got a piece of felt and decorated it so that it reflected the idea of PEACE. We hang them up in our living room so that we can see them everyday.

All of these works provided a lot of descoveries for all of us - discoveries of our feelings, thoughts, experiences, likes and dislikes.

Nasz Adwent okazal sie wspanialym czasem pokoju. Ja zdecydowalam skompletowac wszystkie prezenty Bozonarodzeniowe przed rozpoczeciem Adwentu - Nowego Roku Liturgicznego, abym nie spedzac mojego cennego czasu w kilometrowych kolejkach i tlumach. Tak bardzo sie ciesze z tego osiagniecia, mialam bowiem wiele czasu na edukacje pokojowa w duchu montessori. Jak zawsze zrobilismy wiele projektow. Przedstawilam SWIECZKE POKOJU, ktora bardzo polubil szczegolnie moj dwulatek i prosil mnie, abym ja zapalila i abysmy spiewali This Little Light Of Mine (To Male Moje Swiatelko).

Przedstawilam tez nasze DRZEWKO POKOJU. Udekorowalismy je kwiatkami z brystolu, na ktorych napisalismy nasze nadzieje.

Moja najulubiensza praca tego Adwentu byly FLAGI POKOJOWE. Nauczyly nas wiele o nas samych i naszym pojeciu pokoju. Zawiesilismy je w naszym "salonie". Bardzo lubie na nie patrzec, bo pokazuja mi wiele, o tych z ktorymi mieszkam - moim mezu i dzieciach.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Coming * Nadejscie

I really like Advent and so do my children. Why? Because we are awaiting ... Whom? What? We are awaiting the Little Baby - Tiny Love who has the power to heal and bring peace. In our family we put up our bare evergreen tree on the first Sunday of Advent. It reminds us that we are awaiting. There are hidden treasures burried in awaiting - the most important one is JOY. It builds up. On the third Sunday of Advent we know that we have come a long way with awaiting and getting ready so we put our lights up on the Tree because we are rejoicing. We decorate our Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve - a tradition brought over from Poland where I grew up. So this year we are awaiting the Prince of Peace and our homeschool focus is put on peace education.
We hope your Advent is joyful as you discover the hidden treasures in awaiting.

Adwent ma dla mnie wielkie znaczenie, poniewaz pomaga mi on oczekiwac. Oczekiwac na Kogo? na co? Oczekiwac na Malenkie Dzieciatko - Malenka Milosc, ktora ma sile uzdrowic i przyniesc pokoj. W pierwsza Niedziele Adwentu my w mojej rodzinie ustawiamy nieudekorowana choinke, ktora jest dla nas symbolem oczekiwania. W trzecia Niedziele Adwentu zawieszamy na choince swiatelka, bo jest to niedziela radosci - juz tak niedaleko do Bozego Narodzenia. Choinke tradycyjnie dokorujemy w Wigile przed kolacja wigilijna. W tym roku w czasie Adwentu koncentrujemy nasza edukacje domowa na oczekiwaniu na przybycie Ksiecia pokoju, totez robimy duzo prac Montessori dotyczacych edukacji pokojowej.
Mamy nadzieje, ze Wasz Adwent wypelniony bedzie odkrywaniem skarbow ukrytych w oczekiwaniu.