Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dreams/Marzenia - Sny

We are so close to Christmas now and I'm thinking about dreams - the dreams that Mary had ... the dreams of Joseph ... the dreams of the shepherds ... the dreams of the Three Wise Kings and the dreams of the Little Baby Jesus. I think that we are in God's dreams, the dreams of love and peace for all of us. I want to share this fun song about dreams too. Enjoy and open your heart to big and beautiful dreams in Jesus.

Swieta Bozego Narodzenia juz tak bliziutko i ja mysle o snach i marzeniach Maryji ... Jozefa... pasterzy... Trzech Madrych Kroli i Malenkiego Jezusa. Mysle, ze my jestesmy obecni w "marzeniach" Boga pelnych milosci i pokoju dla nas. Chcialam tez podzielic sie ta piekna piosenka. Zycze wszystkim otwarcia serc na wielkie i wspaniale marzenia w Jezusie.

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