Monday, December 29, 2008

A Life With Karol/Swiadectwo

Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II is one of the most influential, beloved and treasured people - saints in my life. I felt his presence when I studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland where he had taught it several years before. I had a privilege to study under one of Karol Wojtyla's great friends who had become the chairman of the Ethics Department after Karol Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II. I have seen him a number of times in Poland during his papal visits. We have named our son Karol Cyprian after Karol Wojtyla and his (mine too) beloved poet Cyprian Kamil Norwid. Even though John Paul II never held my hand I feel his prsence deeply now. I know that he is with me as my spiritual father now and he often holds my hand. Yesterday I watched a new DVD that my mom sent me for Christmas. It is called SWIADECTWO and it is mostly in Polish. There is some narration by a popular actor Michael York and it is in English. The film features Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. He talks about his almost 40 years spent with Karol Wojtyla. It expends on the book written by the Cardinal A Life With Karol. It is an amazing, inspiring and thought provoking film. Watching it was a very emotional experience for me. Every time I read or watch anything about Karol Wojtyla I feel inspired to live as a saint. I recommend you get a copy of the book and see for yourself.

Swiadectwo...Karol Wojtyla... dla nas Polakow jest to ktos o kim nigdy nie zapomnimy. Moja glebsza przygoda z Janem Pawlem II rozpoczela sie na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim, kiedy to moglam brac udzial w zajeciach z etyki prowadzonych przez Ks. Profesora Stycznia, ktory byl wielkim przyjacielem Karola Wojtyly Jana Pawla IIi to po nim objal Katedre Etyki. Wszyscy moi profesorowie wspominali wyklady Karola Wojtyly. Widzialam Jana Pawla II przy okazji jego wizyt papieskich w Polsce. I mimo iz migdy z nim nie rozmawialam osobiscie to wiem, ze on sie mna opiekuje z nieba jak dobry ojciec. Czesto mnie trzyma za reke i dopomaga mi. Modle sie czesto do niego za nasze dzieci, szczegolnie naszego Karola Cypriana, ktory nosi imiona Karola Wojtyly i jego (mojego tez) ulubionego polskiego poety Cypriana Kamila Norwida.
Wczoraj obejrzalam Swiadectwo na DVD - prezent Bozonarodzeniowy od mojej Mamy. Moje podziekowania plyna do calej ekipy, ktora zrealizowala ten film, szczegolnie do Kardynala Stanislawa Dziwisza. Ten piekny, emocjonalny i napelniony glebokimi refleksjami film jest dla mnie inspiracja, aby kazdego dnia zyc jak swieta. Niech nasz wspanialy Karol Wojtyla wyprasza dla nas potrzebne laski!

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